Preparing for InterPlay for Kids workshop and encaustic.
Finding it very difficult to focus on my art therapy homework, which needs to be completed before I head home AND I still have to complete the hospital AIR application.
Greg surprised me with a visit yesterday, then cooked dinner for me, and took me out for breakfast in the morning so that was very sweet. Good timing actually, as I was a bit under the weather.
Today I was experimenting with painting some meltedbees wax over some old paper documents, receipts and tickets, that the owner of a bric-brac store across the road, wanted to preserve. Interesting. A bit stressful too, especially when one of them was too fragile and kept falling apart in the process. The more I tried to fuse it back together the worse it got. It was a 1960 dry leaning receipt for a shop that used to be in the main street.
I got completely side tracked ( which is good to do sometimes ) in the studio yesterday with a discarded soda bottle. I decorated it with alcoholic inks, then painted bees wax over it, then chopped it up! The inside of the bottle is a high gloss and looks like glass and the outside with the wax coating is a beautiful mat finish.
I also gold leafed a rusty cog that I found on my walk around the town. These are giving me lots of ideas which I can't wait to persue!
Now, that is enough play for now, back to the art therapy study and preparing workshops :(