Friday, February 28, 2014

Good Luck

What a waste of time! I I lost my last post as I forgot to save it! Oh well, I'll try to remember what I wrote...

I was going on about being all set up and ready to go for my next group exhibition at the Moondyne gallery in Houghton Winery. All I have left to do is make up a fruit platter or two for the Opening on Sunday. About150 people have confirmed their attendance so that is very exciting! Two days ago we had only 50.

Second time around, preparing for this exhibition has been more manageable and enjoyable. No emotional melt downs.  Having a daily plan and comittimg to that without getting side tracked really helped. Working alongside supportive fellow artists is an added bonus.

    Mechanical      60 x 60cm               JPfeiffer

Yesterday after finishing up at the gallery I was walking to my car with a painting under my arm which I decided was too dark and needed changing. I'd made up my mind it was a very 'blokey' painting I had titled 'Mechanical' and that it would suit a male farmer or someone like that. Next thing I knew this lovely macho-blokey-bloke walked up to me and asked where I was taking it. I said I intended to brighten it up a bit and he insisted I don't touch it because he wanted to buy it... And he did, right there on the spot! He got a bargain, but it was clearly HIS painting. It was made for him.
The other artists reckon I should walk around the grounds with a sandwich board made out of two of my paintings- one at the front and one on my back!

This leads me to an article I read today on 'Artsy Shark' website:

“I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
I’ve got some theories about people who “make themselves lucky.”
  • People who make their own luck keep a positive attitude despite the odds.
  • People who make their own luck persist even when they get rejected or insulted.
  • People who make their own luck understand that they need to meet the right people who can help them, because it’s not just how good your work is – it’s also who you know.
  • People who make their own luck show up. That means that eventually they will be in the right place at the right time.
What other traits do you think “lucky” people have? Are you one of them?

Author Carolyn Edlund is the founder of Artsy Shark and a consultant working with artists and creative entrepreneurs on smart strategies for their businesses. Learn more about consulting services here.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 2014

Oh where did that month go?
I have missed out on blogging these past few weeks. So much has been going on!

I've been to Sydney and Melbourne.
I have a new bike (and a sore backside!)
I'm in the middle of preparing a load of artwork work for another Haughton Winery, group exhibition in March and I'm on another residency in April. 

I've spent a lot of time learning about the difference between an art resume, a bio and an artist statement. Very interesting and when I get the time I will share what I have learned. Takes forever though, just to get the right wording, not to be too generalized, full of waffle or use jargon. 

Also I've photographed all my artworks for the Winery exhibition and for use in advertising. This takes time, downloading, cropping and editing.

I have two InterPlay bookings which is wonderful. One for a 3-day Lutheran WA district synod in March. The other in May for a Spiritual Directors professional training day in Mundaring.

There are a number of Art awards and competitions that I have planned to enter over the next 6 months.

I'm also planning to start tutoring adult mixed media classes again, possibly on a Thursday Just recently I have taken a couple of small groups who are 'decorating ducks for depression' (see Facebook) and this has reminded of the joy that comes from supporting others in their creative life.

An exciting start to the year!